Sounds horrible right?!?! I’m not really sure why they call it a disease. It’s more of a chronic infection or abscess than anything. My husband calls it BLOGGER BUTT.

They aren’t really sure what causes it but it could be from blocked hair follicles, family history, type and amount of hair, size of pores, injury to the tailbone such as a fall, and/or sitting improperly or for too long – hence the Blogger Butt idea! Watch out bloggers! 🙂

Pilonidals can go dormant for years at a time, lulling their owner into a false sense of escape. Every sufferer’s Pilonidal experience is uniquely their own – experiences range from regular flare-ups and constant miser to flare-ups that occur randomly with long gap (sometimes years) in between.

What It Is

“A Pilonidal (Abscess, Cyst, Sinus, Dimple) is an abscess in the natal cleft (more commonly referred to as your butt crack) that tends to become infected and cause intense pain and drainage.”

It’s most common in Caucasians between 16 and 26. It effects males slightly more than females.

Everyone has a Pilonidal sinus opening in their butt crack. YES everyone! It’s hard to see, but there is a tiny little hole there, sometimes it’s accompanied by a dip. Most people associate the word sinus with the nose, but sinuses can occur anywhere in the body. Sinus is simply a medical term for channel or cavity.

How It All Started

I first noticed some pain on my tailbone. Much like I had fallen and bruised my tailbone. The only problem was, I hadn’t fallen.

As it got worse and worse I thought maybe I had sat on something like a tack or needle… and didn’t notice it. (Not likely)

So then I started wondering if I had been bitten by something. A tick, a spider… something.

Then the next day pus started coming from the hole! (Not good) And then we started researching. We search for “pus coming from lower back butt area” and found exactly what we were looking for!


Once you know you have a Pilonidal Abscess you have two choices: surgery or try to live with it. The decision will be based on the frequency and severity of your flare ups. Antibiotics usually aren’t helpful. I am currently taking Cephalexin, which helped at first but now it’s coming back!

So they decided to switch me to another antibiotic called Ciprofloxacin – which can cause ruptured tendons in your legs if you do any kind of physical activity. (Just what I need)

Although Ciprofloxacin is considered compatible with breast-feeding by the American Academy of Pediatrics. In one case report, a 2-month-old girl developed perforated pseudomembranous colitis following ingestion of ciprofloxacin via the mother’s milk and subsequently required a bowel resection.

So I WON’T be breastfeeding while taking it. I will either pump enough for two weeks or feed her formula for 2 weeks (if she’ll take it)

If the medicine doesn’t work, I’ll need surgery. If left untreated, the infection can expand or tunnel causing more issues. The surgery itself looks pretty nasty! All of the infected area must be removed and it can go up to 4 inches deep!!!

Warning you again… it’s pretty gross!

Picture post-op

{For the record, this is NOT my butt. I have NOT had any surgery… yet!}


and pilonidal_post op

SICK right?!? Hopefully this medicine works! I’m not looking forward to a gaping hole in my butt!

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