hospital_photoI had a doctors appointment this afternoon and ended up asking for an ultrasound. I felt like she wasn’t moving around as much as usual which is common at the end of your pregnancy but I wanted to have one done just for my piece of mind.

During the ultrasound, they noticed the baby was small, which we already knew, although 6lb 6oz isn’t really small considering Natalie was only 6lbs 10oz when she was born. My fluid was also on the low side AND they thought the cord might be around her neck.

They told me to go straight to the hospital… which I didn’t do, I had to go pack my hospital bag, make sure Natalie was settled at my parents, and eat something! We finally got to the hospital about 7pm.

With all the combined issues, the baby is currently considered high risk and they just wanted to keep her on the monitor over night. So far everything looks great. She has a good heartbeat and is reacting normally to my sporadic contractions.

We see the high risk doc in the morning. They will be doing a high tech ultrasound to confirm that the cord is around her neck. If everything looks great (like perfect) then they might send me home! If not, I will probably be induced. Stay tuned more updates!!